Our Food
Our nursery cooks understand the importance of providing healthy, balanced and appetising meals for children. They cook meals from fresh ingredients in our nursery kitchens.
We provide breakfast, dinner and tea. Children are also offered snacks of fresh fruit and vegetables and drinks of milk. They have access to drinking water at all times.
We work closely with you to ensure that we know what foods your child likes or dislikes and take account of their preferences whilst encouraging them to try a wide variety of different foods.
For babies who are being weaned, we work with you as they begin to experience new foods and move from pureed to lumpy foods and then to a normal diet.
We are able to provide for children who need special diets for religious or medical reasons and have procedures to ensure that children with allergies are kept safe.
Mealtimes are an enjoyable social occasion where staff sit with the children encouraging and interacting with their conversations and supporting turn-taking and good manners. Older children are encouraged to set tables and supported to serve their own meals.